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By Y York. Based on the novel by Jerry Spinelli.

Product Code: E61000

Full-length Play


Cast size: 2m., 3w.

Awards: The Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award | AATE Distinguished Play Award

Rights and availability

This title can be licensed and sold in the following countries:
Canada, United States

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Available Formats
In Stock

Min. Royalty Rate: $90.00/perf


David has designed the perfect deal with the universe to ensure the return of his dead mother: to reach his mother "on the other side," all David has to do is enlist the help of the weirdly obtuse Primrose, daughter of the psychic Madam Dufee. Primrose needs the reluctant David to help her move from Madam Dufee's crowded garage into the abandoned van left in the yard. Perhaps being out from under Madam's constant conversation with the spirit world, Primrose will be able to make her mother tell the truth about the spirits and the old photograph of the handsome man, who is someone, but who is not Primrose's father, as Madam claims. No matter how Refrigerator John and Grandmother Margaret try to help these two outcast misfits, David and Primrose must find their salvation on their own.


  • Status In stock
  • Type of Show Full-length Play
  • Product Code E61000
  • Minimum Cast Size 5
  • Pages of Dialogue 64
  • Min. Royalty Rate $90.00/perf
  • Approx. Run Time 65 min
  • Staging Area staging.


  • Target Audience Young Audiences | Middle School | Family (all ages)
  • Performing Group Middle School | High School | College Theatre | Community Theatre | Professional Theatre | TYA | Touring Group
  • Genre Drama
  • ISBN(13) 9781583427156

* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.

Media Reviews

"The themes of growth and life affirmation are presented clearly and subtly … Eggs offers children's theatre with substance." -Broad Street Review