Adapted by Meryl Friedman. From the book by Lois Lowry.
Product Code: A95000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 1m., 4w.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
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"Anastasia Krupnik is opinionated, sassy and funny. Really funny. This 10-year-old has an offbeat take on life that is both amusing and refreshing. And what makes Anastasia entertaining is how she keeps the audience privy to all the angst a 10-year-old can muster—and it's plenty. Anastasia keeps a list of the things she loves—the little pink wart on her finger—and the things she hates—her teacher—in her zealously guarded green notebook. At one point she is ridiculed by her teacher because her poetry assignment doesn't rhyme [she gets an F]… When her dad reads the poem he exclaims: 'This is an F—for fabulous!' Anastasia turns to the audience, grinning from ear to ear, and announces with pride, 'The year I was 10, I wrote a fabulous poem.'"(The Daily News) When her parents tell her they are expecting a baby—a boy at that—Anastasia considers leaving her family and becoming a Catholic like her best friend, Jennifer. She'll get to wear a wedding dress—"they make them small for Catholics"—and pick a new name—Anastasia Perpetua Krupnick. Of course the picture starts to get a little less rosy when she learns about confession. Welcome to the wonderful world of the irrepressible Anastasia Krupnik!
Use minimal props, get a really talented ten year old girl (don't cast with older actors), and decide early on whether you want Washburn Cummings to be ethnic sounding or not (keeping in mind the type of audience you have).
Roberta Weiner, Prana Productions, Holliston, MA