By James Norris.
Product Code: AD5000
Full-length Play
Comedy | Drama
Cast size: 2m., 2w., 3 either gender with doubling, or up to 20+ (2m., 2w., 16 either gender) with optional extras.
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A spectacular dramatization of Queen Scheherazade's most wondrous Arabian tale, this play is magnificent with the beauty, magic and mystery of the Arabian nights. The characters of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp lend it a delightful touch of comedy. The scenes are splendidly theatrical when the Slaves of the Lamp, in phosphorescent costumes, move with the Oriental rhythm to their magic deed. Equally satisfying are the playful gaming scenes between Aladdin and the princess and the explosive scenes between Aladdin's sputtering mother and the princess' choleric father.