By Ernie Nolan.
Product Code: FC2000
Full-length Play
Cast size: 7m., 4w., or 6m., 4w., extras. Thirty or more roles possible.
This title can be licensed and sold throughout the World.
* Please note the royalty rate listed is the minimum royalty rate per performance. The actual royalty rate will be determined upon completion of a royalty application.
This fantastical tale weaves together biographical elements of Hans Christian Andersen's childhood with his famous stories: The Nightingale, Thumbelina, The Swineherd and many more! Seventeen-year-old Hans Christian Andersen, the son of a simple shoemaker, is a real-life ugly duckling dreaming of the day he will become famous. Attending school for the first time as a teenager, he's not only surrounded by classmates years younger but also bullied and teased for the stories he shares. When the intimidating Headmaster Meisling announces a contest for the student with the "most incredible talent," Hans sets to work on creating delicate paper cutouts in hopes of winning the coveted prize: a trip to Copenhagen. Shortly after starting, he is interrupted by Edvard, the smartest boy in school. As an unlikely friendship begins to develop between the two outsiders, Hans shares the fascinating story of his young life as well as new stories he has created. Just when it looks as if Hans will finally have a happy ending, Klaus, a bullying classmate, destroys his entry for the contest and dashes his hopes for visiting Copenhagen. Summoning all the confidence and creativity that he can muster, Hans creates a powerful and moving entry that proves this ugly duckling is really a swan!
Ron Solomon, Make It Up As We Go Productions, Pearland, Texas