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Authors   >   John Dilworth Newman

John Dilworth Newman

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Photo: Life Touch.

John Dilworth Newman is a professor at Utah Valley University and director of the Noorda Regional Theatre Center for Children and Youth. He taught theatre at Highland High School for 19 years and was artistic director of the Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts. He holds a B.F.A. and M.Ed. from the University of Utah, an M.A. from the University of Texas, and a Ph.D. from New York University. His plays include The Secret School, Awakening Galatia, Puzzles (a 2001 Bonderman Award winner), DeGruchy's Mantle (an ACTF regional finalist), and published adaptations of The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. He is co-author of Tell Your Story: The Plays and Playwriting of Sandra Fenichel Asher. Dr. Newman chairs the Playwrights in Our Schools project and serves on the board of American Alliance for Theatre & Education. He is a recipient of the AATE John C. Barner Teacher of the Year Award and Children's Theatre Foundation of America's Reba R. Robertson Award.

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