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Authors   >   Valerie Smith

Valerie Smith

Valerie Smith's plays have premiered in the Humana Festival of New American Plays at Actors Theatre of Louisville, Walden Theatre (also in Louisville), South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa, Calif., and the Alley Theatre in Houston. Her full-length Marguerite Bonet is included in Women Playwrights: Best Plays of 1998, published by Smith & Kraus. Her commissioned play Ain't We Got Fun! premiered as part of the Actors Theatre Classics in Context Festival. Her short works are featured in Ten-Minute Plays from Actors Theatre of Louisville, Volumes 1-5, published by Samuel French. She was resident playwright at Walden Theatre and received a Playwriting Fellowship from the Kentucky State Arts Council. She has worked at South Coast Repertory, the Alley Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville and most recently served in the Peace Corps in Kenya where she founded a crafts enterprise to support single working mothers.

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