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Authors   >   Trish Lindberg

Trish Lindberg

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Dr. Trish Lindberg, professor of education and M.Ed. integrated arts coordinator at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, N.H., is artistic director/co-founder of the Educational Theatre Collaborative (ETC), founder/artistic director of the Kearsarge Arts Theatre (KAT) and co-founder/artistic director of TIGER, a professional theatre company that has performed for more than 250,000 children. Dr. Lindberg is the recipient of the 1999 New Hampshire Governors Arts in Education Award and the 2002 New England Theatre Conference (NETC) Moss Hart Trophy. In 2003 she received the national Youth Theatre Director of the Year Award from AATE, and in 2004 the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) named Dr. Lindberg the New Hampshire Professor of the Year. Dr. Lindberg has written many original productions and has directed more than 100 performances for family audiences including touring performances in Ireland, England, South Africa, Lithuania, Egypt and New Zealand.

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