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Authors   >   Seth Kramer

Seth Kramer

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Photo: Alexander's Photography.

Since moving to New York City more than 10 years ago, Seth Kramer has been honored to receive such playwriting awards as the George R. Kernodle Award, Kennedy Center's Award for Playwriting Excellence, New York Thespian Award, the Iowa Writer's Alliance Prize and has been a three-time finalist for the Actor's Theatre of Louisville Heideman Award. In 1999 he was one of three writers to receive a grant from the Peter S. Reed Foundation. He was a finalists in the 2001 Nicholl Fellowship, semi-finalist in Reader's Digest Hollywood Screenwriters contest 2002, and his writing has received praise from the Iowa Screenwriter's Alliance. Kramer has a collection of seven short plays entitled After the Beep published by Dramatic Publishing. His plays can also be found in anthologies: 25 in 10 (Dramatic Publishing) and Best Short Plays of 2001 (Applause Books). His full-length play Debt, a second collection of short plays entitled Special Days and three stand-alone one acts can be found through Playscripts, Inc. Kramer is the founder of Word of Mouth Production.

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