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Authors   >   Scot Copeland

Scot Copeland

Photo of the author
Photo: Daniel C. Brewer.

At age 17, Scot Copeland was a founding member of The Whole Backstage Theatre in Guntersville, Ala., and the founding director of The Whole Backstage Children's Theatre. He earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Montevallo in Alabama in 1979 and his MFA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1984. Since embarking on a professional TYA career in 1974, Copeland has directed more than 120 plays for young audiences, designed scenery, made masks or puppets for 22 and written eight produced plays. He has been producing artistic director for Nashville Children's Theatre since 1985 and has served on the boards of the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Inc.; AATE; Children's Theatre Foundation of America; and TYA USA/ASSITEJ, serving as president of that organization from 1997-2004.

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