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Authors   >   Sarah Pendleton

Sarah Pendleton

Photo of the author
Photo: Lee Pendleton.

Sarah A.E. Pendleton is a homeschooled high-school junior currently residing in Biloxi, Miss. Along with storytelling, Pendleton's interests include traditional and digital painting, special FX photography, etymology and character acting. Since she has always enjoyed creating new worlds visually to share with others, she plans to attend university and pursue a career in design. Pendleton has received gold medals from the Mississippi Theatre Association for Best Publicity Poster and Best Scenic Design. In addition, she has garnered a number of honors for writing. Pendleton's first script, The Perfect Law, won Southeastern Theatre Conference's High School New Play Contest. Her second play, AFK (Away From Keyboard), was recognized by Scholastic with a Gold Key Award and was an American Voices Nominee for best dramatic script by the 2014 Mississippi Scholastic Writing Awards. Pendleton's first collaboration, Black Sash, earned Mississippi Theatre Association's Adjudicator's Award for Excellence in Playwriting and is her first published work. Pendleton recently authored her first novel entitled The Foreign Acquaintance.

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