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Authors   >   Ramón Menéndez

Ramón Menéndez

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Photo: Tom Richmond.

Ramón Menéndez (right), director and co-writer of Warner Brothers' Stand and Deliver, directed "The Bribe" for HBO's Tales From the Crypt. He also directed and co-wrote Hollywood Pictures' Money for Nothing. As a commercial director, Menéndez has created national and regional television spots for Coca Cola and Southwestern Bell. A native of Cuba, he completed his undergraduate studies at San Francisco State University, then moved to Los Angeles to attend UCLA Film School. There he first collaborated with Tom Musca on the screenplay Exiles, a Samuel Goldwyn Award finalist. Menéndez continued his film studies in the Director's Program at the American Film Institute and later traveled throughout Central America as a stringer for CBS News and the PBS series Frontline. This led to working with Oliver Stone as first assistant director on the feature film Salvador. Menéndez has also developed many features: The Boy Who Eats Rocks (Paramount), Angels With Dirty Faces (a musical adaptation of the classic Warner Brothers film starring Michael Jackson), One Heartbeat (Tri Star), Rubirosa (Rome's Erre Produzioni) and two prime-time dramatic series for television.

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