Ramon Esquivel is a playwright, director, dramaturg and educator. His plays have been produced in theatres, universities and schools across North America and around the world. Esquivel’s titles available through Dramatic Publishing include The Hero Twins: Blood Race, Luna, Nasty and Nocturnal, and his work is featured in the anthologies Palabras del Cielo: An Exploration of Latina/o Theatre for Young Audiences (both volumes), New Visions/New Voices: 25 Years/25 Plays and I Have a Story: Plays From an Extraordinary Year. His other works include The Shahrazad Society, which won the Aurand Harris Memorial Playwriting Award from the New England Theatre Conference; Above Between Below, which toured schools in Washington and Oregon through a collaboration between Seattle Children’s Theatre, Oregon Children’s Theatre and the Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre program; Dulce, which has been presented at the Austin Latino New Play Festival, the Latinx Theatre Commons TYA Sin Fronteras Festival and the Bonderman Playwriting for Youth Symposium. Esquivel taught middle-school English, history and drama in Washington D.C., Brooklyn and Seattle before transitioning into higher education. He has taught playwriting and theatre education at Central Washington University and creative writing at the University of British Columbia. Esquivel is currently assistant professor of theatre, playwriting at California Polytechnic State University.