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Authors   >   Michael Elliott Brill

Michael Elliott Brill

Michael Elliott Brill has labored for The Muse of The Theatre since his graduation from The High School of Performing Arts (of Fame fame) in 1957. He spent the next twelve years as an actor in New York City and on tour with several companies. In 1970 he moved to Seattle WA, where he formed his own performing troupe, The Motley Mummers, creating original material for the performers and touring Washington State with grants from the Seattle and King County Arts Commissions. During its two-year existence, the Mummers won numerous awards for excellence and originality.

In 1973 Michael became artistic director of Seattle's Bathhouse Theatre, remaining there for seven years acting, writing and directing for the Enchanted Theatre Company. In 1976 his poetic drama, The Masque of Beauty and the Beast, won the prestigious Moss Hart Memorial Award, which was presented by Stephen Sondheim. In 1978, his commedia, Bamboozled! and his musical fantasy, No One will Marry a Princess with a Tree Growing out of her Head!, along with Masque were published by Anchorage Press Plays. In 1978 Princess won first place in an International Children's Theatre playwriting competition.

Michael has worked extensively as actor, director and playwright for more than forty years, winning numerous awards for excellence in all three areas of his work and traveling to faraway places with strange sounding names: Tunungayuslok Island, Labrador; Oudsthoorn, South Africa; and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala (to name three.) He is the author of 18 plays and musicals, all of which have received numerous productions in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. The television series The Fabulous Follies which he wrote and directed (39 episodes of a sitcom/variety show) is still playing in some Scandinavian markets.

He now lives in Seattle with his two best friends: Katherine and Boots—the inspiration for his first novel, The Cat That Sang For His Supper!

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