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Authors   >   Mary Rohde Scudday

Mary Rohde Scudday

Photo of the author
Photo: John Henson.

Mary Rohde Scudday is an actress and playwright whose first play, Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home, was nominated by the American Critics' Association as one of the 10 best new plays produced regionally in the late 1970s. Ladybug was subsequently published in an anthology, Texas Plays, edited by William Martin. Her plays have been produced in numerous theaters and adapted for National Public Radio. She is the recipient of a Rockefeller Playwriting Fellowship and was a playwright-in-residence at the Dallas Theater Center for several years. In the book Texas Women Writers, edited by Sylvia Ann Grider and Lou Halsell Rodenberger, Scudday is featured in the chapter on dramatists.

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