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Authors   >   Marilyn Millstone

Marilyn Millstone

Photo of the author
Photo: Bill Apter.

Marilyn Millstone’s playwriting is rooted in her background as a news and feature journalist. Her full-length dramas, one acts and monologues have been produced by Barrington Stage Company (Mass.), Birdhouse Theatre (Ga.), Chagrin Valley Little Theatre (Ohio), Fells Point Corner Theatre (Md.), Silver Spring Stage (Md.), Hudson Warehouse (N.Y.), the Rockford New Play Festival (Ill.), the End of the Road Festival (Ala.) and the Short+Sweet Festivals in Sydney (Australia) and Dubai. Millstone’s first play, the semi-historical drama The Sculptress, was produced by Baltimore’s Fells Point Corner Theatre and won two prizes at the 2011 Baltimore Playwrights Festival. Her award-winning short comedy Compos Mentis (produced six times in America and twice abroad) has recently been published by Art Age Publications. Two of Millstone’s monologues (including one from Proprioception) were selected for Best Women’s Monologues of 2019, published by Smith & Kraus. She holds an MFA in playwriting from Spalding University and is a member of the Dramatists Guild.

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