Louis Lippa is a Playwright-in-Residence with the People's Light and Theatre Company. His plays have been produced off-Broadway and at community and regional theatres throughout the country. Playwriting awards include an off-Broadway OBIE, fellowships from the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, Dramatic Publishing Company's Charles Sergel National Drama Award, Kennedy Center Fund for New American Plays and the Roger L. Stevens Award. Lippa's two-part adaptation of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie received international acclaim from Philadelphia, Washington and London critics. His first children's play, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, has been produced at several theatres. The True Adventures of Pinocchio, when produced by the People's Light and Theatre Company, broke all box-office records in the theatre's 25-year history. His family play, The Dreaming of Aloysius, received excellent reviews. His current play, Aloysius and the Ghost of Uncle Harold, is a sequel in which Aloysius, in conflict with the character Mister Time, refuses to grow old. Lippa lives with his wife Nancy and Fury, his black cat, in Springfield, Pa.