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Authors   >   John Green

John Green

Photo of the author
Photo: Jen Stenko.

John Green's plays have been produced across the United States and in Europe. The Liquid Moon debuted at Chicago Dramatists (where he is a resident writer) and won the Jeff and After Dark awards. It had a controversial run at Virginia's Barter Theatre, was published in the anthology New Plays from Chicago and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Doubting Thomas debuted at the Barter Theatre and played at Indiana's Bloomington Playwrights Project. Hamburger Twins debuted at Chicago's Briar Street Theatre, played at Colorado's Creede Repertory and in Paris at Theatre de la Main d'Or. Mentor was performed at Manhattan's Cherry Lane Theatre as part of the Fresh Fruit Festival. The (W)hole Thing was produced at Stage Left Theatre in New York. Mr. Happy began at Manhattan Punch Line and was performed at Chicago Dramatists and Shadow Box Theatre in Ohio. Twilight Serenade debuted at Chicago's Red Hen Productions and was subsequently optioned for film by Top Dog Films, Inc.

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