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Authors   >   Jeanne Drennan

Jeanne Drennan

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Photo: Robert D. Drennan.

Jeanne Drennan is a playwright, librettist and lyricist who has been honored seven times with individual artist fellowships from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Her full-length works include Asparagus, Limoges, Medea at Athens, Wrong Side Out, 12 Dogs (winner of the Boston TheatreWorks new play competition), Waxworks, Atlas of Longing, Left Luggage, Get Out of Dodge (a winner of the AACT NewPlayFest 2016) and the musical Dear Boy with composer David Berlin (visit DearBoyTheMusical.com). The plays have been produced or developed in theatres ranging from tiny places in New York such as Under St. Marks (Medea at Athens) to theatrical powerhouses like the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (Asparagus) and the Bay Area Playwrights Festival (Atlas of Longing). Works in progress include the play Whiteface and the small musical Juiced! . Drennan is currently the managing director of MTAP—Musical Theatre Artists of Pittsburgh, a group that has emerged as an incubator for new musical theatre works. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild and has worked with City Theatre’s young playwrights since the program began in 1999.

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