Jay D. Hanagan is an internationally produced award-winning playwright. His plays have been presented from Alaska to Boston, from Hollywood to Chicago and from Washington, D.C., to New York City. His international successes include plays produced across Canada, London, England and Hong Kong. He has received an award for Meritorious Achievement for Outstanding Playwriting by the Theatre Association of New York State. The full-length play Softly Sara Falls was produced in New York City, where offoffonline.com theater critic Adrienne Cea said of it: "Playwright Jay Hanagan's decision to focus on an abused woman with a clear sense of self-worth gives his play … a new and important take on the issue of domestic abuse." Other critical acclaim include: "New York playwright Jay Hanagan achieves that rare quality that few playwrights can. He injects [his play] … with an endearing innocence and heartfelt quality" (Lana Sweeten-Shults, Wichita Falls TimesRecordNews). For First Kisses: "A charming and exceptional showcase" "One of the 'Top Ten productions in Dayton" and for Reunions: "Had an appealing yet wacky Neil Simon flavor" (Russell Florence Jr., Dayton City Paper). Hanagan is a member of The Dramatists Guild of America.
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