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Authors   >   Janet E. Rubin

Janet E. Rubin

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Janet E. Rubin is a professor of communication and theatre at Saginaw Valley State University. In addition to her accomplishments as a theatrical director and teacher, she is a respected scholar of children's theatre and arts educator. She has numerous publications and has collaborated on several books on using the arts in education. Articles by Rubin have appeared in several communication and theatre journals, as well as publications developed for teachers of drama, theatre, and English. She also has made numerous national and international presentations. Rubin has served in residence at the University of Mysore (India) and at Ballarat College of Advanced Education (Victoria, Australia). Rubin received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University. She is the 1997-98 recipient of the Earl L. Warrick Award for Excellence in Research. This award is presented to an SVSU facility member whose scholarly activity during an extended amount of time has been of the highest quality. Criteria include participation in producing publications, producing papers, obtaining funding for research or equivalent scholarly activities, and advancement of knowledge in their field.

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