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Authors   >   James Zager

James Zager

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James Zager was born and bred in the wonderful Midwestern town of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He received his bachelor's degree in musical theatre at the University of Wisconsin in 1983 and then moved to Chicago where he worked as a professional actor, director and playwright in musical theatre and theatre for youth for more than 20 years. Zager received his M.F.A. in Theatre for Youth: Directing/Playwriting at Arizona State University in 1998. He is currently an associate professor and the Pierce-Hedges chair of theatre arts at Carroll University where he creates and workshops new plays for youth, mentors social issue-based theatre and coordinates an annual spring New Plays Festival. Zager has created new works based on the writings of Wilde, Homer and Shakespeare; and his body of work includes the youth plays Juliet, What You Will, The Shakespeare Project and Stories Gone Wilde, all published by Dramatic Publishing.

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