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Authors   >   Eric R. Pfeffinger

Eric R. Pfeffinger

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Eric Pfeffinger is a member of The Dramatists Guild. His plays—including Accidental Rapture, Mouse Cop, Tiny Baby, The Jockey Short and Malignance—have been produced by Actors Theatre of Louisville, the Geva Theatre Center, Visions and Voices in Chicago, and the Bloomington Playwrights Project in Indiana, among others. He's developed plays with the Geva Theatre Center, PlayPenn in Philadelphia and Chicago Dramatists and has been a visiting writer at various universities. He's also co-author of the novel The High-Impact Infidelity Diet published by Crown. Lost and Foundling is his first play for young audiences. A graduate of the College of Wooster (Ohio) and Indiana University, Pfeffinger has never lived in a big-box store (as depicted in Lost and Foundling), but he has worked variously in libraries, theaters, factories, pizza places and with comedy/improv troupes. He lives in Toledo, Ohio.

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