Dr. Mary Pipher received her bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley in 1969 and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Nebraska in 1977. She received the American Psychological Association Presidential Citation in 1998. In 2001, she was a Rockefeller Foundation Scholar in Residence at Bellagio, Italy. Dr Pipher's work combines her training in both the fields of psychology and anthropology. Her special area of interest is how American culture influences the mental health of its people. Dr. Pipher has appeared on "The Today Show," "20/20," "The Charlie Rose Show," "The Newshour With Jim Lehrer," and National Public Radio's "Fresh Air." She has written articles for Time magazine, Hope, Psychotherapy Networker, the Journal of Family Life and many other publications. Three of her books, Reviving Ophelia, The Shelter of Each Other and Another Country were New York Times bestsellers. Reviving Ophelia was #1 for 27 weeks and on the NYT list for 154 weeks. Dr. Pipher travels all over the world sharing her ideas with community groups, schools and healthcare professionals. Her articulate and passionate delivery creates enthusiasm in all types of audiences. Her down-to-earth stories of hope and resilience inspire people to work together to build a better community.