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Authors   >   Chad Henry

Chad Henry

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Chad Henry has written plays, music and lyrics for more than 25 musicals, many for theatres with young audiences, especially Seattle Children's Theatre, which has produced such musicals as The Hoboken Chicken Emergency, Little Lulu, Good Night Moon, Jack and the Beanstalk, Doctor Dolittle in the Moon and many others. He wrote music and lyrics for the long-running rock musical Angry Housewives, which was the longest-running musical in Seattle history and which has played all over the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. Now a Denver resident, he worked in many Seattle theatres over the years as both an actor and playwright/composer at such places as Seattle Repertory Theatre, Empty Space Theatre, ACT Theatre and others. He lives with his three cats and his friend Bruce and paints and plays guitar as hobbies. He enjoys listening to classical music, especially Mozart, Bach and anything with classical guitar.

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