C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) was a prolific English author and scholar whose writings include literary essays and histories, poems, imaginative fiction and many works on Christian and moral themes. Among his books are The Allegory of Love, The Screwtape Letters, Out of the Silent Planet, Till We Have Faces and the autobiographical Surprised by Joy. Best loved are the seven fairy tales collectively entitled The Chronicles of Narnia in which Lewis created a magical, allegorical world populated by creatures of myth and fantasy and ruled over by Aslan, the Great Lion. Since published in 1950, the first of the chronicles, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, has been read and reread with delight and deepening understanding by millions of children and adults alike. It has been through over 40 editions and re-printings in English and translated into more than two dozen languages. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has been widely acclaimed as a true modern classic.