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Authors   >   Bonnie Roberts

Bonnie Roberts

Photo of the author
Photo: Melanie Lawhorn.

Bonnie Roberts has been in theatre education for 30 years. Her desire to be the next Carol Burnett led her to major in theatre at Shorter College in Rome, Georgia, but her career path changed after a car accident and a knee injury. She got involved with local high schools as a choreographer/director and fell in love with teaching. Roberts moved to the Treasure Coast of Florida and taught theatre and language arts at South Fork and Martin County High Schools. She was department chair for theatre at Bak Middle School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida. Roberts was inspired to try her hand at writing by her high-school drama teacher and a summer workshop with the Red Clay Writing Project at the University of Georgia. She currently teaches at Monroe Area High School in Walton County and resides in Athens, Georgia, with her husband, Craig.

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