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Authors   >   Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary

Photo of the author
Photo: Alan McEwen.

Beverly Cleary, a former children's librarian, has been asked by children where she finds her ideas. "From my own experience," she replies, "and from the world around me." Her books have earned her many prestigious awards, including the 1984 John Newbery Medal for Dear Mr. Henshaw, for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children in 1983. Ramona and Her Father and Ramona Quimby, Age 8, were named 1978 and 1982 Newbery Honor Books, respectively. Among Cleary's other awards are the American Library Association's 1975 Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, the Catholic Library Association's 1980 Regina Medal, and the University of Southern Mississippi's 1982 Silver Medallion, all presented in recognition of her lasting contribution to children's literature. In addition, Cleary was the 1984 United States author nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen Award, a prestigious international award. Equally important are the more than 35 statewide awards her books have received based on the direct votes of her young readers. The Beverly Cleary Sculpture Garden for Children, featuring bronze statues of Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins and Ribsy, is open in Portland, Oregon. Cleary's books appear in over 20 countries in 14 languages. There have been Japanese, Danish and Swedish television programs based on the Henry Huggins series. PBS-TV aired a 10-part series based on the Ramona stories. One-hour adaptations of the three Ralph S. Mouse books have been shown on ABC-TV. All of Cleary's adaptations still can be seen on television, and the Ramona adaptations are available in video stores.

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