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Barnes Boffey

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D. Barnes Boffey, Ed. D., received his undergraduate degree in drama from Middlebury College and a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts. He served as the director of teacher training at Dartmouth College for 10 years and an individual and relationship counselor for over 40 years. He also directs Camp Lanakila, a boys' camp in Fairlee, Vermont, where The Velveteen Rabbit was first performed. Boffey is currently director of training for the Aloha Foundation, a nationally acclaimed organization for children and youth specializing in the use of success counseling. Following in the footsteps of the Velveteen Rabbit, he also does consulting work in counseling and helping others, focusing mostly on helping people become the people they want to be. Boffey has written and published two books, Reinventing Yourself and My Gift in Return: Thoughts on the Journey to Becoming Real. He still believes the message of the Velveteen Rabbit is as important today as it was in 1922 when Margery Williams wrote her incredible sliver of a book.

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