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Authors   >   Arnold Johnston

Arnold Johnston

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Photo: Sarah Matyczyn.

Married writers Deborah Ann Percy and Arnold Johnston live in Kalamazoo and South Haven, Mich. Their individually and collaboratively written plays have had more than 300 productions and readings on stage, screen and radio, won numerous awards and been published in numerous publications across the country and internationally. They’ve written, co-written, edited and translated 20 books. Their award-winning poetry, fiction, nonfiction and translations have appeared widely in literary journals and anthologies. Percy’s two collections of short fiction are Cool Front: Stories from Lake Michigan and Invisible Traffic. Her latest projects are a fiction collection, Stepping Off Into Space, and two short novels, A Second Opinion and So She Said. Johnston’s books include two novels, Swept Away and The Witching Voice: A Novel from the Life of Robert Burns, as well as four collections of poems, Sonnets: Signs and Portents, What the Earth Taught Us, The Infernal Now and Where We’re Going, Where We’ve Been. His translations of Jacques Brel’s songs have appeared in numerous musical revues nationwide and on Brel’s CD, Jacques Brel: I’m Here!. After a distinguished administrative career in the Kalamazoo Public Schools, Percy is now a full-time writer, as is Johnston, who chaired the English department (1997-2007) at Western Michigan University and taught there for many years as co-founder of the creative writing program and founder of the playwriting program. They are members of the Dramatists Guild, the Associated Writing Programs, Poets & Writers and the American Literary Translators Association. 

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