Adele Edling Shank has been at Actors Theatre of Louisville with Sunrise/Sunset (co-winner of the Great American Play Contest) and Sand Castles, two of her California Plays. Other full-length plays include Winterplay; Stuck: A Freeway Comedy; The Grass House and Tumbleweed (California Plays); War Horses; Rocks in Her Pocket; With Allison's Eyes; The Wives of the Magi (a play for December) and Sex Slaves. Recently, her play Dry Smoke was made into a chamber opera (music by Victor Kioulaphides) and her adaptation of Stuck: A Freeway Comedy was produced by Slovak Radio. Currently, she is working on a film adaptation of With Allison's Eyes. Shank has received numerous awards including Rockefeller and NEA Playwriting grants. She is head of playwriting at the University of California, San Diego and is an editor of Theatre Forum magazine.